Filoti village

Amphitheatrically built on the steep slopes of Mount Zas

Filoti village (Villages on the map): Here you can see its location on the map as well as the location of the most important nearby tourist attractions. Each point on the map is clickable and carries a photo, a short description and a relative link. Use this map to make your plans (read more).

What's nearby

From Filoti, you can visit the nearest villages of Chalki and Damarionas (to the west), Danakos (to the east) and Apiranthos (to the north). They all lay within a short driving distance, as shown on the map.

Filoti is, indeed, one of the most beautiful villages of Naxos and there is a lot to see. A walk along its alleys will reveal its true beauty and let you discover more of the island life. A cafe at the main square under the huge plane tree is a must.

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